Folks, we have some great updates for you tonight! First, we have the affidavit package ready to go for anyone who attended the convoy. This is a legally binding document that will be submitted as pare to the evidence package against Trudeau for the crimes he has committed against the people of Canada. It's easy to fill out and Jane can commission for you. Stand4Thee will be hosting a Zoom on Thurs, Sept 8th @ 7PM to commission your affidavits.
This renegade Prime Minister of Canada committed treason by illegally invoking the Emergencies Act (EA) against peaceful protesters. Because of the invocation of the EA the members of the Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa in February 2022 were attacked violently and charged criminally for peacefully and legally excising their right to freedom of speech and assembly and association. The protestors who were opposing his mandatory vaccine restrictions on travel.
Here are the facts:
- That the necessary evidence to invoke the Emergencies Act required by section 3 was not given. The Joint Committee on the Declaration of the Emergencies Act has attained sworn testimony the RCMP, OPP and OPS all found the protest peaceful and did not request to invoke the Emergencies Act.
- That Trudeau did not seek the necessary parliamentary consent to invoke the Emergencies Act as required by section 17(1).
- That the rights of the peaceful protestors were severely violated contrary to the prohibition found in paragraph 3 of the Emergencies Act. Their right to protection from arbitrary treatment by police was violated because for no reason, the protesters were beaten and their property damaged and confiscated and they were arrested without cause and many stayed in jail without reasonable bail. As well their right to free speech and assembly and association were violated. (Reference the Canadian Bill of Rights).
47(1)Treason- Every one commits treason who, in Canada,
- uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province;
- Every one commits treason who, in Canada,
We don't need a revolution in Canada or fundamental changes in our laws, our rights are firmly protected in the Bill of Rights and the Criminal Code is sufficient to deal with Treason.
- Read the transcripts from the Special Joint Committee on the Emergencies Act here:
Here is what YOU can do:
There are few ways you can help us put this case together. Here are FOUR FIVE actions you can do right now:
- Sign the declaration of Special Joint Committee calling for Trudeau's arrest HERE.
- Submit YOUR evidence from any of the protests that took place across Canada. We are building the evidence against the Emergencies Act that demonstrates it was peaceful and lawful and/or if you experienced rights violations. If you have your own footage of what took place, please send your evidence to
- On April 25, 2022 Trudeau, rather than Governor in Council as required by section 63(1) of the EA called a public enquiry into the invocation of the Emergencies Act. The commission is seeking public input, however, only through confidentiality agreements that could potentially SILENCE testimonies that incriminate Trudeau. Read more on this HERE. We need everyone to send in a complaint to the Special Joint Committee to tell them this Commission is in violation of the EA and we want to shut down this inquiry. And you can also send in a formal complaint to the Federal Ombudsman HERE.
- Join our Trudeau4Treason team to help gather the incidence reports and affidavits and to serve the final papers, you can sign up at
- Inform and Empower yourself with the Canadian Bill of Rights, that unlike the Charter, it has NO LIMITS on your rights! Read HERE.
AND... you can make your own #Trudeau4Treason flyers, t-shirt, printouts, social assets... whatever your heart's desire by downloading the print ready files from our site:
Get a copy of your affidavit HERE.
