Fuck you BITCH — You pressed FALSE CHARGES against me when I told;d you that WE are responsible to LEGALLY & LAWFULLY deal with your Father. However, you LOVE YOUR FATHER MORE THAN YOUR HUSBAND and filed false charges ASSAULT & FORCIBLE CONFINEMENT when I told you that your Father needs to be dealt with.
You stupid BITCH. You're 51 NOT 15 like a child of Isaac & Kelly.. You made your decision, so just get the fuck out of Kelly and Isaac's lives, cuz our children don't need you father-fucking baggage.
You told me recently that NOW that I described how your Father is TARGETABLE with you CONSENTED to sex with your Father in '87 at 14 years of age.
I solemnly do pledge to remain faithful to you, Ms Maritza Elizabeth OROZCO before the Annulment Protocol Ms HO'ROZCO. I will not SLEEP with anyone as you claimed for yourself, and I will go further and actually AFFIRM by stating the I will not engage in sexual intercourse such as what your Father FAUSTO ENRIQUE OROZCO on at least one occasion in 1987, did to you and you gave him ABSOLUTE SIN FORGIVENESS like you are GOD.
First new message:
You are a homeless fucking loser, bum, drug addict, still drinking still, and I'm gonna guess that you're still a fucking loser. Not just that, you're a homeless fucking bum.
>> To erase this message, press 7. To save it, press 9.
>> End of messages. Main menu. To check your wireless voice message, press 1.
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The following communication is a representation and/or partial misrepresentation of the facts as reported and submitted to the writer, just like a lil bitch who claims her daddy raped before marriage, but then 14.5 years later is claiming that she ABSOLUTELY CONSENTED to fuck her daddy for the purposes of her Mother due to a prolapsed hysterectomy or other such bullshit.
Maritza just needs to satisfy and protect the choice and taste of her Fr Fausto Enrique Orozco (DOB-1939Jan16) until as she swore death does part Mr Orozco from Ms Orozco.
I'm HIS Bitch, and he's MY "partner" in Crime.. you little HO'ROZCO TRAMPSTANMP'D Hot Latina. Say h"Thank-you" to the Father who Fark'd you six days a week, watch how I play with your ex.
Fuck you BITCH — You pressed FALSE CHARGES against me when I told;d you that WE are responsible to LEGALLY & LAWFULLY deal with your Father. However, you LOVE YOUR FATHER MORE THAN YOUR HUSBAND and filed false charges ASSAULT & FORCIBLE CONFINEMENT when I told you that your Father needs to be dealt with.
You stupid BITCH. You're 51 NOT 15 like a child of Isaac & Kelly.. You made your decision, so just get the fuck out of Kelly and Isaac's lives, cuz our children don't need you father-fucking baggage.
You told me recently that NOW that I described how your Father is TARGETABLE with you CONSENTED to sex with your Father in '87 at 14 years of age.
Fuck you BITCH — You pressed FALSE CHARGES against me when I told you that WE are responsible to LEGALLY & LAWFULLY deal with your Father. However, you LOVE YOUR FATHER MORE THAN YOUR HUSBAND and filed false charges ASSAULT & FORCIBLE CONFINEMENT when I told you that your Father needs to be dealt with.
You stupid BITCH. You're 51 NOT 15 like a child of Isaac & Kelly.. You made your decision, so just get the fuck out of Kelly and Isaac's lives, cuz our children don't need you father-fucking baggage.
You told me recently that NOW that I described how your Father is TARGETABLE with you CONSENTED to sex with your Father in '87 at 14 years of age.
Fuck you, you stupid lil HO'ROZCO daddy-protector — More Than a Vow
When the rubber hits the road so to speak, it is then that these vows matter most. The best piece of advice I could give a woman or man getting married now is simple, if you both enter marriage with an attitude that chooses to give 100% of yourself to the other, you both choose to submit to God and respect each other, you both choose to serve as the Church serves Christ, then when these things come up you will both be able to have your needs met.
The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) defines sexual assault as “sexual contact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim.” They identify several types of sexual assault:
Rape, i.e. forcible penetration of the victim’s body
Unwanted fondling or sexual touching
Forcing a victim to engage in sexual acts
Forced sexual acts include:
Being forced to give or receive oral sex
Being forced to penetrate the perpetrator’s body
Now let’s look at the latest statistics on the prevalence of sexual assault in the U.S. We’ll preface this with a figure from a study from 1998, which indicated that at that time, an estimated 17.7 million women had been victims of rape or attempted rape.
In fiscal year 2022, ERO arrested 46,396 noncitizens with criminal histories; this group had 198,498 associated charges and convictions. These included 21,531 assault offenses; 8,164 sex and sexual assault offenses...
You even CLAIM that a Forgiveness (Forgive & Forget Daddy Fucks You 6 Ways to Sunday) of a Pedophile Rapist is the EQUIVALENT of God neutralizing the GRAVITY and EFFECT of your Father Fausto making love to a 14-yr-old Latina when he was 48-yrs-old in 1987, when they AGE OF CONSENT was 14. No criminal complaint was made, so your consent is understood, you HO'ROZCO bitch.
You are a narcissist just like Kelly is... Only you PRETENDED to Love me.
You're still a stupid HO'ROZCO who LOVES her Father and Brother more than her Husband. You're a STUPID HO'ROZCO HOTTIE. Bitch.
"Oh I forgive an ABSOLUTE SIN which cannot be forgiven.. I am the Hot Lil Latina HO'ROZCO WHORE and I FUCK MORE THAN GOD.
Why is emotional safety so important? Because it’s based on a need that’s even more elemental: physical safety.
For every creature on Earth, the prime directive is safety. Food and procreation are important, but survival tops the list. And survival is rarely easy. To survive in an environment full of things that can kill you, you need a very well-tuned system for staying safe. Notwithstanding your reckless 18-year-old nephew and his friends, survival, with its concomitant need to maintain safety, is still our most powerful instinct.
What does this have to do with emotional safety?
In a relationship, a history of trauma is not simply one person’s problem to solve. Anything that affects one partner impacts the other and the relationship. With guidance from therapy, partners begin to see how to untangle the issues.
So if you like, if you want to abuse me because I was a rape victim, you want to belittle me because I don't want to press charges because it's hurtful and painful for me to be saying this out loud. It's torturous. I mean, you want to torture me, even if it means punishing me, making me, putting me down.
YOU ARE A STUPID BITCH MARITZA — Forgive your Father for RAPING YOU if you want BUT your CSA Child Rapist DADDY MUST BE RECOGNIZED (and ETHICALLY CASTRATED) as a 48-yr-old LATINO FATHER who raped his 14-yr-old LIL LATINA DAUGHTER...
You are stupid Maritza. Very stupid. Who's house are sleeping at, you fucking whore? It's not your fault, but you are seriously screwed up in regards to your daddy raping you. YOU CANNOT FORGIVE THIS WITHOUT GETTING HIM REGISTERED AS A CHILD RAPIST YOU FUCKING MORON.
Fr FAUSTO should spend the rest of his days rotting in jail or, if he resists arrest, likely sustain a fatal injury that will send a CLEAR message that child predators are NOT safe, and they are NEVER out of season. I have Cc'd Det Sgt Anne-Marie Bishop because I believe that it is in the public interest to hold this rapist and pedophile to account for his actions. You related to me the circumstances of his raping you, and given that it clearly meets the legislative definition of Statutory Rape and has no Limitation Period courtesy of, on March 9, 2016, Bill 132 Sexual Violence and Harassment Action Plan Act (Supporting Survivors and Challenging Sexual Violence and Harassment) 2015 receiving Royal Assent. (see Ontario Trial Lawyers Association Blog) and I know, from your frequent departure whenever I question whether the prior abuse is impeding our sex life, that you are most definitely NOT "over it" so I'm doing what I can to take him to task.
Kelly is acting just as stupid as my wife.. with the assumption that if she makes it TOO UNCOMFORTABLE to tell the truth that Kelly can get away with stealing over $5,000 CAD from Isaac, and Fausto can get away with raping his 14-year-old Hot Latina daughter in 1987 shortly after who older brother died October 13th, 1987.
May fasting and prayer open our ears to the hushed pain felt by children, young people and the disabled. A fasting that can make us hunger and thirst for justice and impel us to walk in the truth, supporting all the judicial measures that may be necessary. A fasting that shakes us up and leads us to be committed in truth and charity with all men and women of good will, and with society in general, to combatting all forms of the abuse of power, sexual abuse and the abuse of conscience.
The United Nations Children’s Fund defines child sexual abuse as the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she does not fully comprehend, is unable to give informed consent to, or for which the child is not developmentally prepared and cannot give consent, or that violates the laws or social taboos of society. It is estimated that at least 150 million girls and 73 million boys under the age of 18 years had experienced forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence involving physical contact. Although child sexual abuse has serious consequences for many of the victims, the extent and nature of the impact vary considerably, and no symptom or disorder is found universally in every victim. One of the risk factors for CSA is broken or dysfunctional homes. Strategies targeted at stabilizing and making homes more conducive for child nurturing such as providing parenting skills education to parents, and available and accessible counseling services for troubled families can be employed to reduce the occurrence of CSA.
CSA (Child Sexual Abuse) is a major public health issue worldwide that requires innovative research to cover the many aspects to address for reaching a better understanding of this complex issue at different levels: individual, relational, familial, socio-cultural, and forensic.
“We want to be a gathering space — somewhere everyone feels welcome,” Jonah says from his perch at the back of the shop, where he can often be found working and engaging with customers, as he gets to know the community better.
Keeping that strong sense of community in mind, Jonah has sourced nearly everything on the CREEDS menu from local vendors. All espresso drinks, brewed coffee, and cold brew come from Toronto’s Pilot Coffee Roasters. You’ll also find a wide selection of teas (and tea lattes), Kombucha on tap, scones from the St. Clair West favourite, Baker and Scone, nut-free cookies from Sullivan & Bleeker Baking Co., and fresh sandwiches, soups, and salads.
Semantically rendering minutiae commsec developed over comms with Maritza, Kim, and my Doppelgänger Farkas.
Honestly grrl.. I love your recent drift regarding our children. ILYSMF.
We all have it in us to be manipulated or to become manipulators. Even just batting your eyes at someone in a flirtatious way could be labeled as manipulation. Sadly, some people escalate to become deceitful and nasty manipulators, exhibiting various examples of manipulation in relationships.
Manipulation by your partner can make you question your own worth and version of events. It can also negatively impact your confidence and insecurity levels in the long term. That’s why it becomes essential to identify when someone is trying to manipulate you.
As the Horoscope reads today for my Pisces stellar significance...
Feb. 19 to March 20):
You can get through your to-do list faster by teaming up with a RELIABLE PARTNER.
I've had Kelly on the back-burner for a significant amount of time. The synchronous correlation is AMAZING and I trust in God. And by the way Kim, you have a duty as a CATHOLIC above and beyond your Seeds of Hope factitious entity. Judgement comes at an unknown time, and I understand the stupidity of my wife and your ignorance. You'll both enjoy purgatory.
Sexual crimes against Canadian children rising at alarming rate, new Stats Can police‑reported data shows
Reported incidents of sexual interference up 18 per cent; possessing and accessing of child sexual abuse material incidents up 21 per cent compared to previous year.
Carol Higgins was abused by evil Elliott Appleyard, who made her get a tattoo as a 'declaration of love' and told her they'd 'live happily ever after'...
“It is clear that the effect of these offences is profound and lifelong."
Appleyard was also made subject to a restraining order which will last indefinitely. He will remain on the sex offenders register indefinitely.
You already made a recording that you're going to leave this morning and you refuse to leave the unit. We are here to evict you, sir. We have an Eviction Order. You assaulted me multiple times from coming into the unit. All right?
Just please don’t punish RILEY for being an idiot, as he’s not even worth the day in custody that may come about from protecting you from your mistake with him. The kids are not a mistake, as they a portion of you. He will be dealt with appropriately, do you know who his PO is? I’m still waiting on full disclosure of his file from the registry, but I should be able to place that order next week.
The father of my children is RYAN JAMES RISLEY - hence why their last name is RISLEY - Some half retarded psycho is attempting to claim my kids are his - they are not .
I have charged him - He goes by Henry Case
His real name is Isaac Bon hillier
He makes fake accounts impersonating me and others
He has had DrewtardZero Illuminatus physically threatened in British Columbia with his bs
He has opened a corporation and a bank with my name as his partner without my knowledge or consent
Many of you have over the last year sent me screen shots of his delusional messages or arguments - he has attempted to tell my actual brothers and even my cousin that he is the father of my kids and is now posting pics of them that he also steals offline
He had a wife he apparently is also slandering
So at this point I am publicly announcing - TO THE POLICE - DO YOUR FKN JOB OR I WILL.
Normalcy bias, also known as normality bias, is a cognitive bias that leads people to underestimate or dismiss the likelihood and potential effects of a crisis or disaster.
The ostrich effect is another term commonly used to describe normalcy bias. This name is inspired by the myth that ostriches bury their heads in the sand when faced with danger, avoiding confronting the reality of the situation.
Although it is unlikely that you will have completely forgotten significant trauma experienced during childhood, details or repressed emotional reactions might return as you talk to your therapist about other events.15
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Recovered memories of childhood trauma.
When it comes to childhood trauma, your brain may repress memories as a coping mechanism. Throughout adulthood, you might feel something is not right and not know why. This article discusses signs and symptoms that indicate you may have repressed memories from childhood trauma. It also reviews other possible reasons for these emotions or behaviors and ways to cope.
Six reasons people stay in narcissistic relationships... many people are drawn to narcissistic relationships.
It’s no real surprise that a person would be drawn to someone with narcissistic traits. They can be charismatic and bring a lot of energy into a room.
Yet, even after a strained relationship, narcissists can be hard to leave.
Emotionally entangled in that mess as well and have that person affect your vibration and your energy. It is your responsibility as a mature person that's learning about how to can take take control of their life how to hold on to themselves right learning how to respond not react and learning when to disengage from someone learning how to Verbally communicate with someone else in a calm way learning how to stand up for yourself I always say, at least for me, I always looked at it like the difficult people that have been in my life that really tested me mentally, emotionally, maybe even spiritually, right?
Just because someone is of adult age, it doesn’t mean they’ve reached emotional adulthood. It’s not about landing the ‘adult job,’ buying a house, or affording the finer things in life. True emotional maturity comes from within—learning to view situations and oneself from a more mature, grown-up perspective. In this talk, I teach what it really means to become an emotional adult and why it’s essential for a fulfilling life, and healthy relationships. We’ll look at the signs of emotional immaturity, the obstacles that can prevent emotional growth, and the steps one can take to cultivate a deeper self-understanding. Viktor Frankl’s powerful words remind us: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Shame is one of the most destructive of human emotions. If you suffered childhood physical or sexual abuse, you may experience such intense feelings of shame that it almost seems to define you as a person. In order to begin healing, it’s important for you to know that it wasn’t your fault. In this gentle guide, therapist and childhood abuse expert Beverly Engel presents a mindfulness and compassion-based therapeutic approach to help you overcome the debilitating shame that keeps you tied to the past. By following the step-by-step exercises in this book, you’ll gain a greater understanding of the root cause of your shame. And by cultivating compassion toward yourself, you will begin to heal and move past your painful experiences. Recent studies show that trauma survivors, particularly those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) resulting from abuse, can greatly benefit from incorporating elements of self-compassion into their treatment. Furthermore, the practice of self-compassion has been shown to decrease PTSD symptoms, including, self-criticism, thought suppression, and rumination. This book is based on the author’s powerful and effective Compassion Cure program. With this book, you will develop the skills needed to finally put a stop the crippling self-blame that keeps you from moving on and being happy. You’ll learn to focus on your strengths, your courage, and your extraordinary ability to survive. Most of all, you’ll learn to replace shame with its counter emotion―pride.
Why are perpetrators of child sexual abuse still getting away with it on such a large scale?
The primary answer is—because they can. The truth is, unless more victims begin to tell, the problem will continue. It is only through silence that abusers are allowed to continue and only through exposure that they will be stopped.
Why are perpetrators of child sexual abuse still getting away with it on such a large scale? The primary answer is—because they can. The truth is, unless more victims begin to tell, the problem will continue. It is only through silence that abusers are allowed to continue and only through exposure that they will be stopped.
“Two heads are better than one.” It’s a familiar expression—and one that businesses might want to heed. The authors’ study of 87 companies led by co-CEOs showed that those firms tended to generate better returns than did peer companies with a sole CEO. Successful power sharing at the top depends on multiple factors: strong commitment to the partnership by both leaders, complementary skill sets, clear responsibilities and decision rights, mechanisms for conflict resolution, the projection of unity, shared accountability, board support, and an exit strategy. The authors caution that the co-CEO model won’t work everywhere. But for large, multifaceted firms, those with agile-based management, and those engaged in technology transformations, it’s a promising option.
I'm doing this update for the record a comms betwixt Mr Isaac Bon Hillier and Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco regarding a matter intrinsically connected to the recent Amendment made to the Canon Law on by Vatican on June 1st, 2021.
Broken Vows: Religious Perspectives on Domestic Violence is an award-winning video featuring the stories of six formerly battered women. Available from the Center for the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence (206-634-1903).
"It is your God-given responsibility as pastors to bind up the wounds caused by every break of trust, to foster healing, to promote reconciliation and to reach out with loving concern to those so seriously wronged."
"It is your God-given responsibility as pastors to bind up the wounds caused by every break of trust, to foster healing, to promote reconciliation and to reach out with loving concern to those so seriously wronged."
As such, this is our duty. If you were really an HONOURABLE Roman Catholic you would understand how that means AT THE VERY LEAST your father's CSA must be registered and recorded in the National Sex Offender Registry Database and his sinfulness made knowledgeable to the world so people are less inclined to fuck with our children.
This study uses communication privacy management theory to offer an examination of the rule criteria that Latina survivors of child sexual abuse (CSA) utilize to manage disclosure and privacy. Seven Latina women told their stories of CSA through the Indigenous methodology of testimonio. Their stories grant insight into the matrix of domination and underlying power structures within Latinx culture that impact their CSA disclosure. Latinas’ testimonios demonstrate the centering of the family when choosing to reveal and/or conceal their instances of CSA. Specifically, the study’s results indicate that in order to protect markers of identity and to avoid feeling familial shame, survivors choose to keep silent. Moreover, findings indicate that certain patriarchal principles encourage Latinas to uphold particular gender roles such as docility and purity which also impacts disclosure.
Christ declares matrimony to be indissoluble: he recommends the making one's self an eunuch for the kingdom of heaven; and parting with all things for him. He shews the danger of riches, and the reward of leaving all to follow him.
The trauma and unbelievable emotional turmoil that a rape survivor goes through is an incredible burden all on its own.
Now, consider that same individual being poked and prodded in court with probing questions about their sexual past that do not pertain to the situation at hand. Or, consider the case in which an innocent individual may be accused of sexual or other crimes, and the accused and accuser are not afforded a fair and balanced chance.
What is in place to help prevent these types of scenarios?
Canada’s National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) is a critical component in the country’s efforts to prevent and manage sexual offences. Established under the Sex Offender Information Registration Act (SOIRA), the NSOR serves as a vital tool for law enforcement agencies, facilitating the tracking and monitoring of individuals convicted of specific sexual offences. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the NSOR, its purpose, legal framework, and the impact it has on both the justice system and society.
Our children are misdirected.. but I'm still gonna give mum a talking to. As for you idiots like Lambersky, Hanif, Marques, Keene, Jamnisek, Risley...
I take no prisoners.
The Canadian Democratic Defence Association (CDDA) hereby issues this official public notice of understanding and intent regarding the malicious prosecution and arbitrary detention of Anthony Olienick and Chris Carbert.
The Government will not tolerate sexual violence, sexual harassment or domestic violence. Protecting all Ontarians from their devastating impact is a top Government priority and is essential for the achievement of a fair and equitable society. All Ontarians would benefit from living without the threat and experience of sexual violence, sexual harassment, domestic violence and other forms of abuse, and all Ontarians have a role to play in stopping them.
You guys are probably laughing at Isaac or formally Mr Isaac Bon Hillier (DOB: February 19th, 1982), for the fact that he claims that Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco (DOB: August 4th, 1973) his wife has been walking out on him (think going AWOL from Sacrament of Holy Matrimony) since her mother died on July 5th, 2021.
"I'm not going to argue with you..." and then, the narc walks away. Or leaves the house. Goes into another room. When you're around them they don't respond. You're getting the silent treatment. It's an emotional ambush.
This is a draft of the transcripts from the most recent five calls with Ms OROZCO as she explains that I need to be punished for even saying that it is our duty as Catholics to recognize and report her sexually and physically abusive father Mr Fausto Enrique Orozco.
After her father’s revelations, Rebekah and her family faced social ostracism and stigmatization from their community. And, they felt their own feelings of shame. These repercussions often fall on families of sex offenders. “It was a really scary time,” Rebekah recounts to Chase in the film, as they prepare to travel to see her dad in prison.
I will normally not do this but I feel I should respond. It’s painful that people think I would in anyway suggest that my husband is a “potential abuser”. Sad. The truth is that the show allows us to state varied views which should be respected and understood.
The narc is "teaching you a lesson" so you never question them again.. she wants you to beg them for crumbs of attention.
The situation becomes intolerable, so as a price of talking again, the narcissist expects YOU to apologize to them for what the narc did to you to cause the conflict in the first place.
How dare you Ms Maritza Elizabeth OROZCO, protect your PEDOPHILE FATHER Mr Fausto Enrique OROZCO and PUNISH your CATHOLIC HUSBAND Mr Isaac Bon HILLIER with fabricated (Assault & Forcible Confinement) charges for understanding and uttering the fact that your PEDOPHILE FATHER belongs in jail...
Fr Fausto Enrique Orozco is a pedophile? Did he simply non-consensually satisfy his daughter Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco in 1987 in at least one occurrence so well that...
The go-to response will PERPETUALLY be for to protect her Father who art NOT in Heaven. GTFU or GTFO. 20% rate of absentia FFS.
A 44-year-old Singaporean was on Monday (Aug 8, 2022) sentenced to 24 years’ jail with 24 strokes of the cane for raping his biological daughter when she was 14.
"Oh, our Father who art not yet in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name.. thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as your are my Heaven. Give me this day, your daily satisfaction of hunger and forgive my mother her coital debts, as I provide for you what she does not.
Deliver us from his Evil, for I give to thee my appreciation of your kingdom, your power, and I glorify you 6 days a week, and 3 times on Sunday.”
I'm working on transcription of my comms with my supposed wife, Ms OROZCO. You don't understand the subtext, our marriage has been under severe assault by her childish duty to respect and protect her mother and father, as opposed to respecting and protecting her husband and his son. My "wife" who still carries her honourable tramp-stamp identification as:
I love both of our children, Kelly. Either with you free or with you in prison for the Theft Over $5,000 safeguard I established against your being misdirected by the ignorant sheeple.
My Daddy did NOTHING wrong! I was 14 years old in 1987 when my big brother died on October 13th, 1987. After this, I became my father's best lady in waiting, because I got my OWN BEDROOM! Daddy told me night time stories for as LLONG and HARD into the night!
In '87, 14 was the age off consent for hit lil Latinas to satisfy their favourite daddy!
The stigmatization of people with pedophilic sexual interests is a topic of growing academic and professional consideration, owing to its potential role in moderating pedophiles’ emotional well-being, and motivation and engagement in child abuse prevention schemes. Thus, improving attitudes and reducing stigmatization toward this group is of paramount importance. Prior research has suggested that narrative humanization —presenting personal stories of self-identified non-offending pedophiles— could be one route to doing this. However, this work has only been conducted with students or trainee psychotherapists, meaning the public generalizability of this method is still unknown.
My wife insists that I protect her pedophile father who abused and raped her up until '87 when her mother took her daughter away from her child-rapist husband..
But she never filed a police report, and her daughter protects her "special pedophile" to this day...
I love you both, kiddos... your father will be there for you to understand appropriately while mum takes a 2-4 year vacation. I love my son and his maternal sister ABSOLUTELY. You are my code or you're his code, but either way it is WRONG what Anne has done to you and your father.
I have detailed records of MY business organization paying various individuals invalid funds... The really amusing little child I'm coming after is STEPHANIE LAMBERSKY...
Kelly and her daughter are immune to my actions, just as my son and his father are immune to Anne's actions. Why, not because my son's adoptive mother is Kelly-Anne-Wolfe, but because my son's biological mother is Kathleen-Anne-Williams. KAW-1 was a vigorous manipulator, so she trained me for how to effectively come for Kelly so well that she'll be out of play for as couple years. Because I'm that good at the operations we both run.
Tell my son I love him and his sister, even though I respect you I will always choose what I understand to be in THEIR preference, even if I suffer a loss or two. You know the 6:6 deadline for Aug 24th, right?
This is their original layout, but I've retouched some glaring issues that the Production Manager would have just fired me if I made these dipshit design errors...
Very simple. Talk to me, or I will destroy the lies you’ve put forth. Your choice. Grow the fuck up, or you’ll go to jail and I’ll be the only one of us at our sons' graduation. I’m a bit angry, and I will destroy you just because you hate my wife.
Correlation | ˌkɒrɪˈleɪʃn |
a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things: research showed a clear correlation between recession and levels of property crime | [mass noun] : there was no correlation between the number of visits to the clinic and the treatment outcome.
• [mass noun] the process of establishing a relationship or connection between two or more things: the increasingly similar basis underlying national soil maps allows correlation to take place more easily.
• [mass noun] Statistics interdependence of variable quantities.
• Statistics a quantity measuring the extent of the interdependence of variable quantities.
Maritza, you're actually a 50-year-old mature wife of a 42-year-old male. So, don't you dare continue to act like a 14-year-old immature little bitch of your 48-year-old sugar daddy Fr Fausto Enrique Orozco.
I thought I knew you're not that, so please don't prove me wrong.
Traumatic events can have an incredibly isolating effect as you may have a difficult time telling others how you feel, or you may believe that no one will understand what you are going through. These patterns can lead to distance in relationships and social/emotional isolation.
Cuz it’ll take a while to let my son and his step-sister and I don’t want them to be taken by surprise.. Tr.. and I have a LOT of time to put us back together. I luv that kid.
But he said to them, "You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts; for what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God. +
16" The law and the prophets were until John; since then the good news of the kingdom of...
I recognize the beauty of our corollary. I'm choosing to acknowledge and confirm that I recognized the beauty of our synchronicity. And, I love you Grace and Travis. My ex had children named Anne and Noah.
Fourth year Criminology and Justice student, Ms Victoria Heaney, recently completed her Practicum at Durham Regional Police Services (DRPS) where she gained hands-on experience in her prospective career field and was able to secure a part-time position with DRPS! Congratulations, Ms Heaney!
Kelly, don't you dare to abandon me like Mar has. I strive to protect the future of OUR children whether she's your daughter, or he's my son... Please grrl.
Do you know HOW MUCH it hurt to protect him from OUR history?
Mari made her choice and from the start, I gave her the freedom to choose. Now you also have that freedom, do you want to be with me or without me?
You're my partner in crime, Anne. Respect me, for I respect you and care about children of you and I. -Isaac
Kelly is trying to be as generous to the competition as possible, so I think she accepted your demand “don’t touch him before your birthday..." (which was the event to which I was referring, August 24th, 2024 and is actually exactly 3 months away) when she turns 42, as she’s actually recorded to the public knowledge as 6 months and 6 days younger than myself.
..watch the show of skill.. and enjoy just how INTENSE it feels when you reach the appropriate degree of overture. Chad's home for dinner, and we've understood the time required to review and understand our "friendly team" of morons.
I was her first grudge —EVER— that she just could not forgive and forget to be alone in her mindlessness. Trust me, I'm so honour'd that I'm blushing somewhere you just will never see. I'm just the same as you, Anne.
What shall we call me.. the Grudging Grift in Chief?
When we are dealing with anxiety disorders, we feel as though we have lost control of our own life. We allow our emotions to direct us through the day and we end up drifting aimlessly with no direction. This compounds the suffering. When emotions are allowed to run unchecked, this creates the perfect environment for anxiety to grow. This is known as emotional drifting.
The Court of Appeal declined to look behind the sentencing court's reluctant approval of the joint plea-bargained 9-month sentence and mechanistically applied its designation of the offence as "willing" and consensual.
March 4th, 1997 - Freud withdrew his "seduction theory" of cl1ild sexual abuse, based on his female patients' revelations of sexual assault by their fathers, when his findings were contested by a colleague (himself an abuser of his young son). Freud replaced this theory with an oedipal theory tailored to daughters. Girls ("hysterics") alleging sexual abuse by their fathers actually wane to marry them, replacing their mothers. They fantasised the sex and even had hysterical pregnancies. On the politics, media treatment and psychoanalysis of child abuse at the close of the nineteenth century, see L. Wolff, Postcards from the End of the World: Child Abuse in Freud's Vienna (New York: Athene um, 1988).
You know EXACTLY what you forgot about, Kelly. Tell our children that we need to understand our past, in order to enable our children to become renegades...
“All the world’s a stage” and you are your child’s main attraction. From their youngest age, your children are constantly watching [and eventually imitating] what you are doing. Like it or not, you are their role model—not only for what a parent should be like, but also for being a partner, a head of family or a member of a community. No doubt, you will face some performance pressure, but it’s just a matter of consciously inculcating good behavioural habits.
Extending previous research on transformational leadership (TFL), the present study explores the mechanisms that explain the relationship between TFL and team performance. Drawing on the three-stage model of TFL (Conger & Kanungo, 1998), we theorize that TFL predicts high levels of team performance through shaping team goal orientation and group affective tone. To test the hypotheses, we use data collected from managers and members of 61 research and development teams and use the partial least squares analysis to test hypotheses. The results show that TFL positively predicts positive group affective tone through team learning goal orientation but negatively predicts negative group affective tone via team avoiding goal orientation. Finally, we find that positive group affective tone is positively associated with team performance, whereas negative group affective tone is negatively associated with team performance.
So either somebody is misdirecting our brethren, or we're a bunch of retards like this guy. I mean really, who the fuck would try to con Kelly for over $5,000.. every reasonable criminal understands the threshold of 5K, right?
Please don’t force my treating this as a zero-sum conflict, because I can and will destroy both you and your children, legally and lawfully, in order to protect me and my wife, in addition to me and my ex and our children. This is your last warning, giving you until July 4th, 2024 to enter into reconciliatory processes with my wife and I for your theft or fraudulent usurpation of over $5,000 from our joint process.
They will love how we love, and hate how we despise. remember this, because we can't expect our children to grow up to be good people if we're not showing them how.
“All the world’s a stage” and you are your child’s main attraction. From their youngest age, your children are constantly watching [and eventually imitating] what you are doing. Like it or not, you are their role model—not only for what a parent should be like, but also for being a partner, a head of family or a member of a community. No doubt, you will face some performance pressure, but it’s just a matter of consciously inculcating good behavioural habits.
My wife’s been complaining to me that I’m not calling the police, but the reasoning is very simply the fact that she resembles my ex, to a large degree. There are many corollaries, but the most significant are the big three births. She was born 6 months after me, her son was born the same year as my own son, and her daughter is born the same year as my son’s sister.
Understand the play, and understand thy brethren... such that the potentiality of our outcome and realization of potential, we can run this operation smoothly without regret because I gave you full notice, my dear.
The vast majority (91%) of fraud victims say they found a shoulder to cry on and told someone else about it. Most were not able to bring themselves to share the experience with loved ones, however, as only about one in four (27%) report telling family members about it and even fewer (22%) shared their experience with friends. A majority (54%), albeit a surprisingly slim one at that, claim to have reported the incident to their financial institution.
Section 118 can be a strategic consideration for organizations that engage in critical infrastructure or operations. The risks associated with potential insider threats, cyber attacks, or industrial espionage by unauthorized actors are ever-increasing. A better understanding of the legal implications and permissible uses of government authority under section 118 can help organizations better protect themselves and anticipate potential risks. In conclusion, section 118 of the Criminal Code of Canada is a critical legal consideration in many situations that could impact the security of the nation and the individual's rights and freedoms. Effective strategic considerations and measures can be employed to ensure that the powerful tool provided by Section 118 is used within the law and maintains due respect for the rights and freedoms of individuals and organizations alike.
You’ve concluded your involvement in our matter, that is appreciated and understood. The RCMP is better equipped to handle this type of matter, but I’m just better at it, honestly. Enjoy the show, and thanks for you expressed consent. Now, your crew will understand how to APPROPRIATELY deal with this kinda criminal activity.
Pay attention, you’ll likely be using this for teaching your newbies to the lawfare games I play. -Isaac
Some theorists have supposed that the child’s neediness is the relevant harm. Making someone needy is, plausibly, harming them in a way that generates a compensatory obligation. When one causes a child to exist, one causes an indi- vidual to be needy since babies and children just are needy. The compensatory obligation, then, is the obligation to rectify the child’s neediness. Causing needi- ness, then, would count as a serious boundary-crossing harm. Alternately, we might suppose that causing existence generates rights that must not be violated. Brake considers Feinberg’s claim that children have a “right to a reasonable assurance of a minimally decent life” (Brake 2010, 159). On this account, causing a child to exist would be a rights violation in the absence of care.
I'm just softly testing the lay of the land, but some of these domains are VERY necessary now, and we'll consider selling or licensing them out for approved individuals.
The most succulent right now seem to be:
"When kids are involved, having a workable relationship is paramount. Being respectful is the only way to build healthy relationships," Haworth says.
Keep the negative thoughts (and words) to a minimum. You're all human, and you all have feelings that you're completely entitled to. But remember, your attitude will affect your kids, as well as your behavior — perhaps without you even realizing it.
Clever and cunning, the world of deception is a complex web of manipulation and vulnerability. In this intriguing realm, two key players emerge: the conman and the dupe. Both are integral to the intricate dance of deceit, but their roles and motivations differ greatly. To truly understand the dynamics at play, we must delve into the essence of these terms.
While negotiating, we are often led by a need to control, which is a mistake, Walker said. So leave your ego at the door, he said. In order to gain someone’s cooperation, you first have to understand that person’s point of view, beliefs and values by being curious and empathetic, Walker said. Unless the person truly feels understood, “there’s always going to be a bit of pushback.”
> Covfefe Bakery + Operations:
Kelly, I chose to give you $100.00 at 0931H Monday January 29th, without your asking for anything.
And about 12 hrs later I just gave you $20+80. Get something for the kids, my treat. The kids come first, you let me understand how I was being selfish.
As per your direction, I'll take back $20 from our shared account on the date you requested. Why, but it's a wonderful web we weave when first, we practice to deceive the enemy.
Fear is the invisible guest at every negotiating table. Negotiation by definition creates the premise that you may not get what you want.
Some use confidence or bravado to hide their fears –an animated display. Others lock every piece of body language up –use the cold stare– in order to give nothing away. We think others must not sense our fear! Hence, bluffing is strategy no. 1. Someone who acts like they have no fear seems harder to influence.
Just did a rough OCR, I'll finish it later in the week. It looks like Drewtard Zero™ is handling Kelly well, I hope she enjoys the rebound while it lasts.
PS: Sorry bout the poorly constructed communications of service severance, but I'm too much concentrating upon the health and well-being of her daughter and son, and the correlation to my son and his half-sister, to really care what anyone else thinks. It's a tangled web we wove, for 6-months. From August 24th, 2023 through until February 19th, 2024.. when my business partner broke the single rule we had consented to and agreed upon. C'est la vie.
It's understandable that Ms Farkas has a significant series of alleged criminal activities. However, it's also understandable that she'll do almost anything to almost anyone with the alleged intent to benefit our children and demonstrate exactly what NOT to do for the awareness of her own daughter. Right?
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, right?
Deception spreads faster than truth.. especially on social media convenience. Who — if anyone — should stop it?
“It’s inexpensive — and in fact cheaper — to produce lies rather than truth, which creates conditions for a lot of false information in the marketplace,” says Harvard Law Professor Noah Feldman, an expert in constitutional law and free speech who serves as an adviser to Facebook. “We still collectively have a tendency to believe things we hear that we probably shouldn’t, especially when they seem to confirm prior beliefs we hold.”
Con artists have existed for centuries. Their end goals may vary, but the nature of a con is simple. A con artist will attempt to and often succeed at making you believe that they are someone else. Someone you can trust with your money or private information. They do this in a multitude of ways, but they most of all rely on the natural trusting nature of people.
The rule of inherent improbability or physical impossibility on which defendant relies has been stated thusly: " 'Although an appellate court will not uphold a judgment or verdict based upon evidence inherently improbable, testimony which merely discloses unusual circumstances does not come within that category. [Citation.] To warrant the rejection of the statements given by a witness who has been believed by a trial court, there must exist either a physical impossibility that they are true, or their falsity must be apparent without resorting to inferences or deductions. [Citations.] Conflicts and even testimony which is subject to justifiable suspicion do not justify the reversal of a judgment, for it is the exclusive province of the trial judge or jury to determine the credibility of a witness and the truth or falsity of the facts upon which a determination depends. [Citation.]' " (People v. Lyons (1956) 47 Cal.2d 311, 319-320.)
Many traumas feel too humiliating and vulnerable for people to share with their partners, especially if they were made to feel they deserved what happened to them. As a result, they cannot ask for the help they need from their partners. If they have never shared their past pain or what caused it, their partners may feel defensive and not be able to understand that it may have nothing to do with them.
Regardless of whether you saw or experienced brutality as a kid or your parents, caretakers emotionally or physically ignored you, when you mature in an exceedingly traumatizing environment you’re presumably to in any case hint at that trauma as a grown-up.
There is nothing glamorous about doing life alone, hyper independence is a trauma response, you are not a burden, you deserve to be loved by people and be taken care of, held and loved in abundance.
You deserve to be told "I love you, we care". Community is what we all need.
I've informed you that I've documented OUR Independent Ontario Advocacy Group financial shell very coherently. I've also formally given you the option, Door A or Door B. You're my associate Anne, and I care about you and your children.. as I feel a spiritual obligation nearly as much as care about my wife and myself.
It was the worst of times, and it will quickly get worse. I'm sorry we didn't work according to the plane, my friend. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about my training.
This article summarizes a recently published decision from the Ontario Court of Appeal which somewhat clarifies the where the line is drawn between a lawyer’s fair and zealous advocacy for their client and their liability for civil fraud for deceiving the Court and opposing counsel with false statements.